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She was born a novel and wrapped in skin.

"People don't have a hard time saying my name, they have a hard time respecting it.  To them, it's the same as Tanisha or Tabitha and I'm not Tanisha or Tabitha.  I'm Tassika and people who mispronounce my name or shorten it to make their tongue more comfortable piss me off.  It speaks to a deeper issue of how people view and respect or rather, disrespect certain identities. It's like all little black girls are the same and we don't deserve to be seen as the unique individuals we are.  The other issue is that people think my name is "ghetto," which literally disgusts me for two reasons.  1. Most of the people I've heard use the term don't even know its origin so they're just regurgitating filtered down concepts of poverty, blackness and inferiority.  2. No one I have ever met has EVER met another Tassika prior to meeting me, so why would "ghetto" be the first word they use to describe it?  I'll tell you why.  It's because I have brown skin and when people are too busy to be inquisitive, they're just the right amount of lazy to be disrespectful.  My parents named me and they weren't from any ghettos so that entire assumption can go somewhere to die. Besides my name is actually Japanese."

Quickly learning that defending herself would be a full-time job, it was already set in the stars that the young Leo would know how.  Her overprotective nature and quick wit spoke highly of her maturity and wisdom well beyond her years.  However, Tassika isn't just any Leo, she's also a Virgo.  Born directly on the cusp, she has shy tendencies where she retreats into herself to recharge her batteries. Simultaneously, an introvert and an extrovert, it's no wonder, she lets her creativity speak for itself.  Whether she's observing from a quiet corner or working the room, you notice her.  It might be because of her makeup, unpredictable hair styles or her infectious laugh but either way, it's obvious that she believes in being a walking masterpiece. 

"I dont think anybody should walk into a room without having anything to offer.  So, I think of myself as a product.  Whether I'm walking in as a writer, a woman, a guest or the host, I want to leave a lasting impact.  I want you to be interested at the very minimum."    

There is a method to her madness however.  Growing up, Tassika recalls never knowing what the authors of her favorite books even looked like and she often questioned how does one write about a culture without actually participating in it.  She assumed that they had to be of the world to discuss what was going on it but prior to the days of social media accounts, her idols were seemingly ghosts.  It wasn't until acclaimed author Terry McMillan confronted her ex-husband about his sexuality on the Oprah Winfrey Show in 2005 that Tassika had ever seen the humanity of an author.  She made an oath to herself that she wasn't just going to be a writer.  She was going to be a relatable artist, a curious student of of her own culture.  



When Terry McMillan sat on that couch, raw, wounded and humiliated; I couldn't get up from my own couch. I was in awe.  I was impressed.  Sometimes when people have THAT much talent, you never see them as normal.  They're like omnipotent beings but here she was, mad at the man she loved.  Who can't relate to that?  I loved it and I vowed that I was going to do the same thing.  I was going to create transparently."

Tassika welcomes the spotlight in doses by surrounding herself with remarkable men and women.  You can often see her out and about with her closest friends and family. It's a conscious effort to show people that her words come from a sincere place.  When the young entrepreneur discusses the different topics of the human condition or throws an event to raise awareness about a particular subject, you can see for yourself that her life is her work.  There is a story in each of us and her purpose has long been to bring the narrative to the forefront.  She is a storyteller, a woman who immortalizes the human experience by bringing it to light.  Simply put, Tassika Lloyd is a walking masterpiece.

"There's only one way to tell the truth; by knowing it and you can only know it if you talk to the person who owns it.  So, that's what I do, I get to know the people and because they're all so different, I'm able to tell the story in a multitude of ways.  Sometimes it's writing or directing a documentary, planning an event - whatever, as long as the goal is the same.  And the goal is to tell the truth, even if your voice shakes."

What's your story?

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