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Our team represents prostate cancer - a cancer that attacks the gland found only in males. The prostate's job is to make some of the fluid that protects and nourishes sperm cells in semen. Basically, it helps make those swimmers move to create babies! 
Considering that there will be an estimated 585,720 cancer deaths in the US, bringing awareness to this disease isn't enough.  We're trying to save mankind.

Majority of the time, prostate cancer can increase so slowly that it often goes undetected, never affecting its victims during their lives.  Hence, SILENT KILLERS. Cancer accounts for nearly 1 out of every 4 deaths and since we know that diet accounts for 30-35% of environmentally caused cancers, our team is setting the example of exercising regularly, eating healthy and making regular doctor visits.

We are men and women who push our bodies to the limit in our personal efforts to live longer lives and we believe if everyone did that, we would have better health outcomes in our communities.  In total, four teams will be playing on behalf of each disease and collecting donations to support organizations that are doing remarkable work in those areas.  The money we raise will be awarded to the Prostate Cancer Foundation to help their efforts in funding and coordinating gene therapy approaches and the development of new medications and vaccines, that support their firm commitment to cure prostate cancer. 

Please visit our DONATION PAGE and help us reach our goal as we tackle men's health! The more money we raise, the more lives we save!

With Love and Health Always, 
Silent Killers

Silent Killers

"The Orchestrator"


Hometown: Brooklyn, NY

Quote:  Life is like a camera…FOCUS on what’s important, CAPTURE the good times, DEVELOP from the negatives, and if things don’t work out, Take another shot

Sabrienna J. (Coordinator)
Nicole. D. #31
"Ms. I Can't Get Involved"

Ht: 5'4"


Hometown: Bronx, NY

Quote: I love. I laugh. I smile. I win. PERIOD.

Kahlil H. #88

Ht: 6'0"

Wt: 215

Hometown: Brooklyn. NY

Quote: Slow motion is better than no motion.

Janelle W. #15
"Slim Reaper"

Ht: 5'7"

Wt: --

Hometown: Elmont, NY

Quote: Don't Believe Me? Just watch!

Emilio A.  #7

Ht: 6'2"

Wt: 200lbs

Hometown: Bronx, NY

Quote: To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffering.

Dullah D. #25
"The Ruler"

Ht: 6'2"

Wt: 270lbs

Hometown: Bronx, NY

Quote: We do what we have to, so we can do what we want to.

Charles C. #85

Ht: 5'10"

Wt: 160

Hometown: Harlem

Quote: Change is the only constant.

Madubuchi O. #2

Ht: 5'11"

Wt: 188lbs

Hometown: Queens, NY

Quote: If there is no struggle, there is no progress.

Stan. S. #1

Ht: 5'11"

Wt: 200lbs

Hometown: Spring Valley, NY

Quote: If I tell you I'm good, you would probably think I'm boasting.  If I tell you I'm no good, you KNOW I'm lying.

Ernest W. #2

Ht: 5'11"

Wt: 170lbs

Hometown: Englewood, NJ

Quote: It's too easy...

Anthony P. #23
"Mr. SmileAlot"

Ht: 5'11"

Wt: 189lbs

Hometown: Panama

Quote: We were all born with the ability to change someone's life.  Don't ever waste that ability.

Ian. P. #3

Ht: 6'0"

Wt: 185lbs

Hometown: Brooklyn, NY

Quote: The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.

Adrian G. #80
"Kill Bill"



Hometown: Cambria Heights, NY

Quote: "The greatness of a man is not in how much he acquires, but in his ability to affect those around him positively."

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